Winner Take All #185 | Vertical Labor Marketplaces, Wish Stock Plummets, Faire Valuation

Published: Dec. 6, 2021, 11 a.m.


Alex starts the show with a look at the CEO of Wish stepping down as the stock continues to plummet and face challenges with user retention. Next, discussion on Faire, Applico\'s number 1 ranked B2B marketplace, and its series G raise at a $12.4 billion valuation. Also covered in this episode, the vertical labor marketplace landscape and how the new U.S. infrastructure bill could impact the ongoing inflation concerns.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n01:56 - Wish CEO Leaves
\\n10:37 - Faire Valuation
\\n13:50 - Vertical Labor Marketplaces
\\n19:40 - Infrastructure Bill  


Originally Aired: 11/16/21 #LaborMarketplace #GigEconomy #WishStock 


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