Winner Take All #183 | The Next Platform War, B2B Product Data Theft, Last Mile Autonomy

Published: Nov. 30, 2021, 1 p.m.


To start the session Alex focuses on how Google is dealing with South Korea\'s new app store laws and explains how Big Tech companies are responding and combating new regulation. Next, Alex looks at autonomous delivery company Nuro and breaks down why he sees last mile delivery as a key for unlocking the commercial autonomous vehicle market. The show closes with discussion on how B2B enterprises are having product data stolen and then used against them.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n02:08 - The Next Phase of Platform War
\\n08:20 - Unlocking The Autonomous Vehicle Market
\\n14:31 - B2B Distributors Protecting Data  


Originally Aired: 11/09/21
\\n#B2B #Podcast #AppStore
