Winner Take All #182 | Zillow's Big Loss, ByteDance Founder Ousted, Grain Marketplaces

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 4:29 p.m.


The show starts with a look at Bushel\'s recent acquisition of GrainBridge and the procliamed death of grain trading platforms. Next, Alex\'s take on Zillow canceling its iBuyer program Zillow offers after losing over $1 billion. Also covered, Peloton\'s struggles as a linear exervise equipment provider, ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming leaving the private tech giant, and Yahoo terminating operations in China. The show closes with news on the FED slowing quantitative easing.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n02:11 - The End of Grain Marketplaces?
\\n12:54 - Zillow Loses Big Flipping Houses
\\n22:26 - Peloton\'s Big Problem
\\n28:00 - ByteDance Founder Ousted
\\n30:24 - Yahoo Shutters Operations
\\n33:03 - FED and QE  


Originally Aired: 11/05/21
\\n#AgTech #iBuying #ByteDance
