Winner Take All #181 | Rent The Runway IPO, Marketplaces Enabling Retailers, Sequoia Rolling Fund

Published: Nov. 10, 2021, noon


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The show opens with a look at Sequoia Capital moving away from the traditional venture capital formula of funds with around a 10 year time horizon to creating a \\u201cpermanent structure\\u201d that will store investor capital. Next, Alex discusses Rent The Runway going public via IPO. He looks at Rent the Runway\'s business and explains why he sees a lack of business model innovation at the once darling fashion startup. The second half of the show highlight\'s JCPenny partnering with a under the radar marketplace and Amazon\'s deal to partner with insurtech startup NEXT to offer coverage to sellers.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n01:35 - Sequoia Fund Makes a Big Change
\\n13:40 - I Wouldn\'t Touch This IPO
\\n21:39 - Marketplaces Enabling Retailers
\\n28:21 - Next Insurance + Amazon  


Originally Aired: 11/02/21
\\n#Podcast #Amazon #Sequoia
