Winner Take All #177 | Secondhand Clothing Platforms, The New FAMGA, Square + AfterPay, Ozy Media

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, noon


Alex looks at recent reports chronicling the growth of platforms in the second hand fashion industry. He highlights the varied niches that these platforms have been able to grow into large verticals spanning a variety of areas in the clothing industry. Next, coverage of two examples of government taking on big tech platforms starting with Australia\'s news media bargaining code and ending with Nigeria mandating that Twitter open a local office if the communication platform wants to operate in the African country. Also covered, Alex\'s article with WisdomTree outlining what could be the next FAMGA, Square\'s deal to acquire AfterPay, and the debacle that is Ozy Media.   


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n00:22 - Secondhand Platforms Thriving
\\n12:23 - Governments Fight Big Tech
\\n23:11 - The Next FAMGA
\\n30:54 - This Could Be Huge for $SQ!
\\n39:09 - Ozy Media Scandal  


Originally Aired: 10/13/21
\\n#Ozy #FAANG #SecondHand 




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At Applico, we identify untapped, intrinsic assets that give existing enterprises an enormous advantage to spin-out new tech companies. WisdomTree licensed Applico\'s Platform Insights Data Product to aid in the creation of the PLAT ETF.
