Winner Take All #169 | Amazon Department Stores, China's Fake Biologist, OnlyFans Bans NSFW?

Published: Aug. 25, 2021, 6 p.m.


The show opens with a look at the announcement that the platform OnlyFans will be banning explicit content, AKA the type of content the site is known for. Next, a look at China investing a fake Swiss scientist quoted in news media and Beijing gaining a board seat at tech company ByteDance. The second half of the show covers a Wall Street Journal report that Amazon will be opening brick and mortar department stores and the FTC recent opinion about Facebook\'s monopoly status.  


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:19 - OnlyFans Bans NSFW
\\n05:30 - Fake Swiss Biologist
\\n07:41 - China on ByteDance Board
\\n11:07 - Amazon Department Stores
\\n19:25 - Facebook FTC Monopoly Lawsuit  


Originally Aired: 08/20/21
\\n#Amazon #Podcast #China
