Winner Take All #167 | Walmart Licenses eCom Tech, $HOOD IPO, Decline of VC in China

Published: Aug. 5, 2021, 9:43 p.m.


Alex opens the episode with a look at Netflix\'s recent earnings report where it was announced that a digital movie studio would move into the gaming space. Next, a look at Robinhood\'s tumultuous first two weeks as a public company and some promising data from alternative tech platforms focused on user privacy and free speech. The second half of the show covers Walmart\'s announcment it will begin to license the eCommerce tech that runs Walmart Marketplace and statistics that show a decline in VC investment into China.   


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:56 - NFLX FY Q2 2201 Earnings
\\n03:33 - Robinhood Goes Public!
\\n09:41 - Alt Tech and Social Media 3.0
\\n16:26 - Walmart to License eCommerce Tech
\\n22:05 - VC Decline in China   


Originally Aired: 08/04/21
\\n#Podcast #VentureCapital #eCommerce
