Winner Take All #166 | Streaming Wars , Amazon Equity Leaching, Blood Drones , Gympass Series E

Published: July 20, 2021, noon


The episode starts off with a look at updated numbers from the various streaming service providers as the competitive landscape enters a new phase post COVID pandemic. Next, a look at an interesting Wall Street Journal article that details how Amazon will take equity from its suppliers. Also covered, Zipline, a startup that can deliver blood to doctors via drones, and Alex\'s thoughts on Gympass\'s recently announced series E funding round.  


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:22 - Streaming Wars Update
\\n05:22 - Amazon Supplier Equity
\\n10:50 - Zipline On-Demand Blood Delivery
\\n12:35 - Gympass vs ClassPass  


Originally Aired: 07/10/21
\\n#StreamingWars #Gympass #Amazon
