Winner Take All #163 | DuckDuckGo Funding, Huawei HarmonyOS, Etsy Acquires Depop

Published: July 1, 2021, 9:25 p.m.


Alex kicks off the show looking at DuckDuckGo, an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers\' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results, and their recently announced $100m secondary investment. The episode also takes a look at claims that the COVID pandemic has accelerated the shift to eCommerce by 5 years, and Huawei\'s announcement that their mobile operating system, HarmonyOS, is now the #3 OS in the world. The show closes out with a look at Amazon\'s statement on its battle against fake reviews, Prime Day 2021, and Etsy acquiring peer-to-peer social shopping app Depop.  


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:19 - DuckDuckGo $100mm Raise
\\n05:45 - COVID eCommerce Acceleration
\\n10:33 - Huawei HarmonyOS
\\n15:55 - Amazon Reviews Probe
\\n17:31 - Prime Day 2021 "Soft"
\\n19:47 - Etsy Acquires Depop  


Originally Aired: 06/25/21
\\n#DuckDuckGo #Huawei #Depop
