Winner Take All #156 | Berkshire Shareholders Meeting, Munger on Robinhood, Inflation = Gravity?

Published: May 11, 2021, 5:43 p.m.


Alex analyzes some excerpts from Berkshire Hathaway\'s 2021 Annual  Shareholders Meeting that touch on changes in top market cap companies over the past 30 years, Apple\'s innovation, how inflation impacts asset  prices, Charlie Munger\'s thoughts on SPACs and Robinhood. To close the show, Alex touches on Elon Musk\'s upcoming SNL appearance.  


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n01:44 - Top Market Cap Platforms
\\n10:06 - Berkshire and Apple
\\n25:40 - Market Froth + Inflation
\\n34:57 - Munger on SPACS + Robinhood
\\n36:14 - Elon Musk on SNL


Originally Aired: 05/02/21
