Winner Take All #155 | Clubhouse Copy Cats, Ant Financial Valuation Plummets, Google + Univision

Published: May 6, 2021, 6 p.m.


The episode opens with Alex discussing the Chinese government\'s recent antitrust crackdown on tech and the massive hit to valuation Ant Financial has taken as result. Next, a look at the plethora of Clubhouse copycats from big tech and a lesson to be learn from what Clubhouse got right and the 2015 viral app Meerkat got wrong. The show closes with discussion of Univision\'s new ill-advised partnership with Google.   


00:00- Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:52- Chinese Antitrust Crackdown
\\n05:48- Clubhouse Copycats
\\n17:56- Univision + Google Deal  


Originally Aired: 04/27/21
