Winner Take All #154 | NFLX Down 10%+, Discord Rejects Microsoft, Apple AirTags Antitrust

Published: May 4, 2021, 8:53 p.m.


The episode gets started with a look at Netflix\'s poor Q1, 2021 earnings report. Alex digs into why he thinks the stock has taken a huge hit and Netflix\'s failure to continue innovating and emabrace platform dynamics. After quickly touching on Zoom, we dig into Discord ending acquisition talks with Microsoft and electing to peruse an IPO in the mid to near future. Also covered, possible antitrust issues with Apples new product, Airtags, Walmart Marketplace\'s expansion into China, and whether or not inflation is on the way.  


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:19\\u200b - Netflix Earnings Disaster
\\n11:09\\u200b - Microsoft Discord Deal
\\n15:49\\u200b - Walmart Doublespeak
\\n19:15\\u200b - Apple Airtags Anti-Competitive
\\n25:01\\u200b - Inflation on the Way?  


Originally Aired: 04/22/21
