Winner Take All #153 | Alibaba Fined By Beijing, Bezos Last Shareholder Letter

Published: April 26, 2021, 4:22 p.m.


We kick off this short episode with a look at Jeff Bezos\' last  shareholder letter before he steps down as CEO of Amazon. Alex goes over  the various points Bezos makes in the letter while offering some of his  own insights and analysis on the marketplace statistics refereed to in  the final letter before Andy Jassy takes over the platform behemoth.  This episode also contains a note on our new WTA text line and coverage  of Alibaba being fined $2.8 billion as a result of the Beijing\'s  anti-monopoly probe.


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:21\\u200b - WTA Text Line
\\n00:47\\u200b - Bezos\' Last Shareholder Letter
\\n14:40\\u200b - Alibaba Fined $2.8 Billion


Originally Aired: 04/21/21
\\n#Bezos #Alibaba #AmazonUnion
