Winner Take All #151 | TikTok Censor Algo, NFT Hype, EU Struggles vs Amazon, ICX Update

Published: April 9, 2021, 7 p.m.


The show kicks off with a quick look at the Icon altcoin, recommended to  us by Peter Saddington during his February 18th WTA guest appearance.  Next, an in depth look at details leaked by a dev who helped develop  censorship tools and algorithms for ByteDance\'s Content Quality Center.  Alex reads excerpts from the interview highlighting the intense  oversight domestic content platforms are subjected to via the Cyberspace  Administration of China. Also covered, reports that the EU is  struggling to build an antitrust case against Amazon and a look at NFTs,  the newest craze in the world of crypto.


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:20\\u200b - ICX is Up!
\\n01:40\\u200b - Beijing Cracking Down on Tech
\\n07:01\\u200b - Chinese Censorship Dev Reveals Details
\\n21:00\\u200b - EU Amazon Case Struggles?
\\n22:11\\u200b - NFT Hype


Originally Aired: 04/02/21 


#Podcast #Tech #ByteDance  


I helped build ByteDance\'s vast censorship machine:
