Winner Take All #150 | Walmart Expanding U.S. or China?, Starlink vs Great Firewall, Amazon Sellers

Published: April 8, 2021, 5:39 p.m.


Alex opens the episode with a look at two stories from Walmart, one  detailing the company\'s new expansions of U.S. manufacturing, and  another that the Walmart Marketplace is relaxing restrictions on foreign  sellers. Next, the latest stories of Amazon unfairly treating  third-party sellers and some commentary on corruption in the government.  The show closes with a discussion on how Starlink may be able to break  through China\'s Great Firewall and a quick check-in on Viacom\'s stock  price (spoiler alert: it\'s come down a lot since we called out that it  was inflated for no good reason).  


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:21\\u200b - Walmart Does Magic
\\n09:59\\u200b - Seller Spends 200k Fighting Amazon
\\n14:02\\u200b - Amazon Camera Sling Copy
\\n17:02\\u200b - Corrupt Gov
\\n23:15\\u200b - SpaceX vs The Great Firewall
\\n30:14\\u200b - Viacom Stock Update


Originally Aired: 03/30/21 


#Walmart #Starlink #Amazon \\u2014  


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At Applico, we identify untapped, intrinsic assets that give existing  enterprises an enormous advantage to spin-out new tech companies.  WisdomTree licensed Applico\'s Platform Insights Data Product to aid in  the creation of the PLAT ETF.
