Winner Take All #141 | Facebook vs. Apple Feud, Facebook Oversight Board, Tech Earnings

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 7:39 p.m.


Alex starts the show with a look at Chinese education platform VIPKid  before kicking off a deep dive into the current battle between Apple and  Facebook. He looks into how Apple\'s new beefed up iOS privacy controls  could damage Facebook\'s ad business and banter between the two CEOs, Tim  Cook and Mark Zuckerberg. This includes a look into recent Facebook and  Apple earnings, Apple\'s connections in China, and fundamental  differences in business model between the two tech monopolies. The show  closes with a look at Facebook\'s new content oversight board, a new  external governing body designed to make binding decisions about speech  and online safety on Facebook.


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:39\\u200b - VIPKid
\\n03:34\\u200b - Facebook vs Apple
\\n14:42\\u200b - Facebook Earnings
\\n24:10\\u200b - Apple Earnings
\\n33:38\\u200b - Facebook Oversight Board


Originally Aired: 02/02/21
