Winner Take All #140 | WallStreetBets Frenzy!, Twitter Buys Revue, China U.S. Supply Relations

Published: Feb. 7, 2021, 1 p.m.


Alex opens the show looking at the retail investor uprising sparked by  members of Reddit forum WallStreetBets. He discusses GameStop stock\'s  meteoric 1600% increase and what he thinks are illegal acts of  censorship from stock brokerages like Robinhood and platform including  Reddit and Discord. Next, coverage of Twitter buying newsletter company  Revue. The show closes with a look at supply relations between the U.S.  and China.  


00:00\\u200b - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:18\\u200b - GameStop
\\n18:19\\u200b - Twitter Buys Revue
\\n22:52\\u200b - China U.S. Supply Relations


Originally Aired: 01/28/21 


#WallStreetBets #Trade #Revue
