Winner Take All #136 | Parler Banned, Roblox Direct Listing, Twitter Suspensions + Censorship

Published: Jan. 16, 2021, 11 a.m.


The show opens from our new Palm Beach, Florida, studio as Alex digs  into Twitter's recent actions banning a U.S. President and seemingly  abandoning many of the key proponents that make it a platform. Next, a  look at Parler being removed from Apple and Google app stores in  addition to Amazon's AWS banning the platform. Alex discusses if the  Parler bans are a national security measure to curb violence or a thinly  veiled anticompetitive move from big tech platform monopolies.  Continuing on, a look 5 platform alternatives to the current dominant  monopolies and coverage of the ACLU speaking out against tech  censorship. The show wraps up with an update on Roblox going public via  direct listing and the U.S. banning Alipay.  


Originally Aired: 01/12/20 


#TechCensorship #OnlineFreeSpeech #RobloxIPO
