Winner Take All #132 | Black Friday + Cyber Monday, Chinese Military Stock, Elon Musk Interview

Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 1:58 a.m.


The show kicks off with a look at Black Friday and Cyber Monday  statistics that, come to find out, aren\'t very easy to distinguish this  year. Alex goes on to compare U.S. black Friday weekend numbers with  Singles Day data from this year. Next, coverage of a new U.S. government  executive order that has barred investment in 31 companies identified  by the Department of Defense as \\u201cCommunist Chinese military companies\\u201d.  The show closes with Alex commenting on some of his favorite moments  from Elon Musk\'s recent interview with The Wall Street Journal.  


Originally Aired: 12/12/20 


#eCommerce #BlackFriday #CyberMonday


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:17 - Black Friday + Cyber Monday
\\n13:59 - Indices Remove CH Military Stocks
\\n16:46 - Elon Musk Interview Commentary
