Winner Take All #128 | Salesforce Interested in Slack, Instacart + Best Buy, COVID Wealth Transfer

Published: Dec. 2, 2020, 11:48 p.m.


\\U0001f6d1 NOTE: This episode originally streamed before last night\'s news of  Salesforce acquiring Slack for $27.7 billion. Update video on that deal coming soon!  


The show opens with Alex discussing reports that Salesforce is  interested in purchasing communications platform Slack. Next, a look at  Instacart expanding their market footprint via a new partnership with  Best Buy. The second half of the show covers the large transfer of  wealth brought on the by pandemic and lock down protocols, before ending  with coverage of innovation in the clinical trials space.  


Originally Aired: 11/25/20


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:22 - Saleforce Interested in Slack
\\n04:37 - Instacart Partners w/ Best Buy
\\n09:27 - Wealth Transfer
\\n18:26 - Healthcare Ramifications
