Winner Take All #126 | FreshDirect Acquisition, App Store Commission Cut, Walmart Earnings

Published: Nov. 30, 2020, 7:40 p.m.


The show opens with news on Ahold Delhaize acquiring New York based food  delivery service FreshDirect, a deal that Applico advised on. Next,  Alex covers Apple\'s recent adjustments to developer commissions in the  app store, a move he sees as a mistake by Apple. Also covered, Walmart  earnings, the CCP\'s crackdown on tech, and whether or not Twitter should  fire CEO Jack Dorsey.  


Originally Aired: 11/19/20


00:00 - Subscribe for Tech & Business News Daily
\\n00:17 - Ahold Delhaize\\U0001f1f3\\U0001f1f1 Acquires Online Grocer Fresh Direct\\U0001f966
\\n04:48 - Apple\\U0001f34e Cuts App Store Commission
\\n09:33 - Walmart Q3 Earnings
\\n14:53 - China\\U0001f1e8\\U0001f1f3 Cracks Down on Tech
