Update! - Monopsony Big Tech Platforms Targeted by FTC Antitrust Regulators! [Breaking News FEB 2022]

Published: Feb. 1, 2022, 1 p.m.


The FTC has reshaped its arguments against big tech monopolies and will  now look at potential regulation with monopsony power in mind. Alex and  Nick discuss how this new angle being used by U.S. competition  regulators at the Federal Trade Commission, lead by Biden-appointed FTC  chairwoman Lina Khan, has the potential to actually prove big tech  platforms like Amazon and Google are monopsonies.  


How the FTC Is Reshaping the Antitrust Argument Against Tech Giants: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-ftc-is-reshaping-the-antitrust-argument-against-tech-giants-11643432448  


Originally Aired: 01/31/22 


#Monopsony #BigTech #Antitrust 




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