Quick Update: Google DOJ Anti Trust Review

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 11:35 p.m.


Great to be on Maria Bartiromo this morning talking about the nothing burger of a case the DOJ just filed against Google.
\\nIf I\\u2019m Jeremy Stoppelman Glenn Fogel Steve Kaufer , I\\u2019m very disappointed. Why isn\\u2019t the DOJ focusing on how Google takes  advantage of its suppliers like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Booking.  Platform tech monopolies take advantage of their suppliers, not  consumers. When Google vertically integrates and charges rent to 3rd  party websites, this is where their revenue growth is coming from the  past 10+ years. Yet, the DOJ decides to pick a 3 year old fight that the  EU already fought and had a lackluster settlement in 2018. Cheers to  having a 3+ year legal battle to get a few billion dollar settlement and  a search engine auction system? What a wasted opportunity.
\\nAlexander Okuliar Aaron Hoag fyi - the key is that suppliers = customers. Yelp, Trip, Expedia,  Booking are all customers of Google. Google takes advantage of them.  Follow the money!
