Lessons on Disrupting The Media Industry | Mitch Lowe - MoviePass CEO, Netflix Exec, Redbox

Published: Sept. 6, 2022, 10:05 a.m.


Applico CEO Alex Moazed and Director Nick Johnson sit down with 3 time  tech disruptor Mitch Lowe. Lowe is known for heading up MoviePassas CEO,  being a founding executive at Netflix, and President of RedBox. Mitch  has detailed his amazon journey from high school dropout to tech  executive in his new book Watch and Learn: How I Turned Hollywood Upside  Down with Netflix, Redbox, and MoviePass\\u2014Lessons in Disruption.  We asked Mitch about the new relaunch of MoviePass, the role Web3 will  play as media evolves, how he managed the enormous growth MoviePass  experienced, what COVID would've done to the subscription service, and  lessons learned from Netflix and from Reed Hastings.  


#moviepass #ceointerview #startupinvesting  \\u2014
