Episode 39: Chardonnaked

Published: April 19, 2014, 10:38 p.m.


We're getting real. \\xa0Exposing you homies to Chardonnay for all it's worth. \\xa0


Ever wondered where the grape grows, what it tastes like, what it pairs with? \\xa0We'll kind of help you with some of that. \\xa0We'll address it we guess...if we remember or get to it. \\xa0Try to remember we're highly driven by tangents and stream of conscious thinking. \\xa0


Chardonnay is one of the top ten grapes currently grown in the world. \\xa0Tons of Hectares, and even more Acres, so we'll just say it's grown on many different Hectacres. \\xa0Which is different than Heck Takers, a name of people who put up with a lot of Heck. \\xa0Enjoy the Chardonnay podcast Homies. \\xa0
