Ep 327: Wine Ingredient Labeling Pushes Forward in the EU -- with Barnaby Eales

Published: May 26, 2020, 3:57 a.m.


I know this topic may seem wonky, but consider a world where you could look at a wine label and see if there was extra, unwanted sweetness or if the wine was packed with chemicals (actual picture of big hulking winery, below).

From Pixabay

Image: pixabay
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Barnaby Eales, international wine journalist takes us through the European Union\'s ultimatum to producers, the machinations they are going through, and the likely outcomes of transparency in wine.\\xa0From the impact on top conventional producers (it should be great -- they can finally stand up to "natural wine" producers and say their products aren\'t loaded with chemicals) to the producers that may have to cop to a list of additives a mile long (industrial wine, I\'m looking at you!), we go over the ramifications of this initiative, the complications behind it, and the benefits transparency brings to us all.\\xa0

Barnaby\'s article is here: The EU Moves on Wine Ingredient Labeling

Above: Barnaby Eales, Journalist


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