WTNT Presents: The AAA Podcast - Level 0

Published: June 19, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Your RSS feed isn't broken! We've been looking into working on some additional types of show for everyone as a way to do more in general as well cater to more audiences. To that end, here's a new podcast! Our goal with The AAA Podcast is to get to the heart of what makes that period between a game's announcement and release so much fun: the discussion. What features you think it'll have, which ones you hope it won't, and of course the clearly impossible never in a million years curve-ball that you would put in the game if you had any say in the matter. We really hope you guys like this first pilot episode. Please feel free to send us any (and we mean ANY) feedback you have on it, as this is something very different for us and we want to hear from you on ways to make it good. As always, thanks for listening.