Top Tips When Contacting Potential Workmen

Published: Jan. 25, 2021, midnight

This week, John Paul talks you through some of the top tips and best practices when it comes to making contact with potential workers for your business. KEY TAKEAWAYS If someone is letting you down in some way, and you have a job that needs to be performed, don't instantly resort to others who have let you down in the past. Record your experiences with workers, advising your future self if this person provided a positive or negative experience. It'll help you to refine the people who can be trusted. BEST MOMENTS  'What I do is put notes next to their name...' 'Do you want people on your team who will not do their best for you?'  ABOUT THE HOST John Paul Reilly is dyslexic business man who left school just before his 16th birthday, barely able to read and write, to the point that at exam time one of the teachers had to read the questions out to him (and then write down his answers). Written off, like most kids who struggled at school, and being told by his woodwork teacher he was “nothing, and would amount to nothing” he now runs a multi award-winning company in the construction industry . A loud but shy person who knew he wanted to achieve great things with no clue what business he wanted to do but knew that’s what he wanted. With his first business started at age 14, to now, he has learned most things the hard way. Now the owner of multiple business with one being multi award winning, John Paul has been in business over many years sharing what he has learned over this time mainly the hard way. CONTACT METHOD LinkedIn - Facebook - See for privacy information.