Wholesale Hotline: EPISODE 6

Published: April 21, 2020, 3:35 a.m.


  • Cash buyer update from Jamil… how their buying criteria has changed, and how you must adapt
  • 3 things you need to be negotiating into your deals
  • How to use Pace’s “I’m not a buyer for your home” script to get deals
  • iBuyers are OUT!!! Why this is a HUGE opportunity for wholesalers
  • Brent’s 5 steps you need to take now to survive and THRIVE in the next 90 days (and come out stronger than ever!)
  • Which call centers are still open for business
  • Why Brent’s quality leads have QUADRUPLED in the last week, and why now is the best time to get into wholesaling and start Talking To People
  • The pros and cons of getting a real estate license
  • How Pace is using videos in his text message marketing to stand out from the competition and get more deals
  • Hard money update: are lenders still lending?
  • The new formula for how you should be evaluating land deals, and why developers are still HOT