The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Wholesalers

Published: Sept. 23, 2020, 4 a.m.

Most wholesalers struggle with creating a steady paycheck. They have one good month where the money piles up. But then they close no deals for the next few months. 

Not only does this make growing your wholesale business impossible, but it floods you with self-doubt and nightmares of returning to your job. 

But there’s a method to the madness of becoming a highly effective wholesaler who makes a steady paycheck month after month. 

In this episode, I reveal the 7 habits all highly effective wholesalers have that puts the wholesale game on “easy mode.” 

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • How Shiny Object Syndrome will derail your success with wholesaling (2:59) 
  • The simple way to schedule your day that ensures you don’t get sucked into pointless tasks that don’t move the needle (4:06) 
  • Why most wholesalers struggle with creating a steady paycheck (and how to create it) (5:25) 
  • The subtle mindset shift that dramatically boosts your sales skills — especially if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson (6:35) 
  • How to make it impossible to have a bad mindset or attitude (even when you’re getting punched in the face daily) (10:51) 

For wholesaling hacks like I shared in this episode, head over to and check out what’s available. 

If you're ready to put the power of wholescaling to work for you, then head over to to get your free “Business In A Box” downloads. 

Or if you're a true action taker, ready to blow the lid off your results. You can apply now to work with our team to build the business of your dreams faster than you ever thought possible. Go to to apply and change your life. 

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