How The Best Wholesalers Get Better

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 5 a.m.

When we start a business, our process is simple. But as we grow and gain more experience, our once-simple process becomes more and more complex. 

While complexity helps you attract better opportunities that pay you more, it also makes it harder to close deals. This traps you into working 100 hour per week while worrying every night about how you’ll pay your mortgage. 

The trick to avoid this trap is to dumb your business down. Not only will this make it easier to hire team members, but it also forces you to work in your unique ability — where you can create other sources out of thin air. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the top secrets all the best wholesalers use to get better so you can use their secrets in your business.  

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • How practicing jiu jitsu will grow your wholesale business faster than anything else (5:10) 
  • The “Catch 22” reason that more experience makes it harder to close deals (5:51) 
  • The “Add A Zero Approach” to goal setting that will make you wildly successful working as hard as someone mildly successful (9:36) 
  • How letting go of your businesses helps you double your income while barely working (24:40) 
  • Why focusing on others’ success creates multiple streams of income at warp speed (32:59) 

You can also find the video presentation of today’s episode on my YouTube channel here:

If you're ready to put the power of wholescaling to work for you, then head over to to get your free “Business In A Box” downloads. 

Or if you're a true action taker, ready to blow the lid off your results. You can apply now to work with our team to build the business of your dreams faster than you ever thought possible. Go to to apply and change your life. 

For my list of top 100 books I’ve used and implemented to grow my business, head over to

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