You Already Have Everything You Need To Succeed, Nothing Is Missing, With Best-Selling Author, Nicole Walters

Published: Oct. 23, 2023, 9 a.m.


Nicole Walters, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, TV personality, and the author of the brand-new memoir "Nothing Is Missing, A Memoir of Living Boldly\\u201d,\\xa0 joins Whiskey & Work to discuss the importance of choosing joy in the face of adversity. Kelsey and Nicole cover how to choose joy in challenging moments and strategies to navigate this, how her daughter\\u2019s cancer diagnosis changed her perspective and approach to life, challenges she faces as a mother and entrepreneur. and so much more. Sit back, relax and grab a pen and paper for this one \\u2014 you\\u2019re going to want to take some notes on this one!\\xa0

What we\\u2019re talking about\\u2026

  • Nicole Walters is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, TV personality, and the author of the brand-new memoir "Nothing Is Missing, A Memoir of Living Boldly\\u201d

  • Kelsey and Nicole discuss viral videos, including quitting her job live on social media.

  • Nicole\'s mission to help people realize they have everything they need to succeed

  • Discuss the importance of not making significant decisions during these challenging times.

  • Embracing the concept that if something can wait for a few days, it\'s not urgent

  • Nicole\'s ability to find joy even in the face of adversity

  • Encourage listeners to accept help from others and that it doesn\\u2019t make you weak it makes you resourceful

  • Kelsey and Nicole discuss the reality of life\'s ups and downs and the importance of being honest and vulnerable about the messy parts, whether it\'s in parenting, entrepreneurship, or personal growth

  • Encourages listeners to make choices that lead to positivity and growth

  • To learn more or connect with Nicole, visit the links below!\\xa0

A {free} Tool or Two!\\xa0

Did someone say free? Yup that\\u2019s right. Kelsey\\u2019s here to help with a few free tools to help launch your business and creative ideas! Click the links to start your journey.\\xa0


Links Mentioned

Nicole Walter\\u2019s Website\\xa0

Nicole Walter\\u2019s Instagram\\xa0

Kelsey Murphy\\u2019s Website\\xa0

Kelsey Murphy\\u2019s Instagram\\xa0


  1. \\u201cChoosing joy is something that allows me to meet each moment and recognize that there is positivity in it no matter how bad or difficult or wildly unexpected the moment is\\u201d - NW

  2. "If help shows up, say yes, take the help. Take it. We deserve it. I can\'t emphasize enough. Take the help. Take the help\\u201d - NW

  3. \\u2018Grant yourself some grace. You\'re doing great. As long as you\'re trying and you are interested in your children, that is all that matters. It\'s a game changer\\u201d - NW

  4. \\u201cSo it\'s almost like in choosing joy in one of the hardest moments I\'ve gotten this infinite skill and ability to choose joy in anything that is less hard than that in the rest of my life. So there\'s just so many gifts in surviving tough things\\u201d - NW

