Joelle. w special guest, Jenny Thompson.

Published: July 13, 2021, 3:37 a.m.

This is a story that I was told repeatedly to not share, for 13 years. After years of suffering in silence, I've decided it's no longer serving me to hide my truth. I wanted to share what I've learned from having an abortion at 23 weeks pregnant, when I was 18 years old. For any other woman still hurting from a similar choice or maybe another young girl who needs the guidance, support and information that I never had this episode is for you. This episode may be difficult for some to listen to but I hope you will give it a chance. It's not a political episode or meant to persuay anyone's thinking, but simply to share my story and perhaps help open people's hearts to realize that choosing an abortion is rarely ever an easy choice to come to. There may be women you know and love who have had abortions that are still in pain and don't know where to turn to for help and healing. Learning about their experience and listening to them is the best way, I believe, to help someone heal. I also hope that by me sharing, other women who relate will know that it's never to late to heal that wound and I am here to listen.