EP 278: Prioritizing Your Mental Health With Chris Brogan

Published: May 5, 2020, 6:38 a.m.

b'In This Episode:\\n\\n\\n\\n* Bestselling author & business consultant Chris Brogan shares how depression and anxiety impact his experience as an entrepreneur* Why he always knows what he can \\u201cdrop\\u201d when things get rough and what he isn\\u2019t willing to let slide* Why he has been transparent about his mental health challenges on social media and how he\\u2019s helping to reduce the stigma for others* How he approaches his conversations with others to be as supportive as he can, while also creating his own support network\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nI have received an outpouring of gratitude in the last 6 weeks.\\n\\n\\n\\nTelling you that makes me quite uncomfortable and feels self-serving, but I promise there\\u2019s a point.\\n\\n\\n\\nThe messages I\\u2019ve received have thanked me for being a leader and for sharing how I\\u2019m personally processing both our public health crisis and our economic pause.\\n\\n\\n\\nMany of these messages have also ended with something along the lines of: I hope there\\u2019s someone supporting you right now.\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd that\\u2019s why I\\u2019m sharing this with you. Because, sure, I know that sharing how I feel, what I\\u2019m doing to navigate planning or marketing, and how I\\u2019m coping is helpful.\\n\\n\\n\\nBut what I think is really helpful about what I\\u2019ve been sharing?\\n\\n\\n\\nIt\\u2019s showing people that they\\u2019re not alone.\\n\\n\\n\\nI think that\\u2019s what they\\u2019re really saying to me when they say \\u201cI hope there\\u2019s something supporting you right now.\\u201d They\\u2019re saying \\u201cyou\\u2019ve made me feel like I\\u2019m not alone and I hope you don\\u2019t feel alone either.\\u201d\\n\\n\\n\\nBecause the truth is\\u2026\\n\\n\\n\\nLeaders get lonely.\\n\\n\\n\\nWhen everyone is looking to you for answers, for support, for guidance, you can feel like there\\u2019s no one to go to for your own support.\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd since all small business owners are leaders in one way or another, we all feel that loneliness sometimes\\u2014or maybe, we feel it quite often.\\n\\n\\n\\nThis month, we\\u2019re tackling that feeling of loneliness and the different kinds of support we can lean on to feel grounded and whole.\\n\\n\\n\\nWe\\u2019re going to tackle 2 sides of this conversation\\u2014mental health and business owner support\\u2014and we\\u2019ll acknowledge that this conversation really has many more sides than that. I\\u2019ll share what works for me and we\\u2019ll be asking our community members to share what works for them, too.\\n\\n\\n\\nYou\\u2019ll hear from Nancy Jane Smith about living with and finding support for high-functioning anxiety which is something I certainly deal with, along with many other business owners I know. You\\u2019ll also hear a conversation between me and Startup Pregnant founder Sarah Peck about using & facilitating masterminds for support. And you\\u2019ll hear from Shirin Eskandani about finding support through coaching.\\n\\n\\n\\nToday, we\\u2019re kicking things off with Chris Brogan, an author, speaker, and consultant who has been incredibly forthcoming about his own experience with depression and anxiety. Chris helps business owners feel less lonely by vulnerably sharing what he\\u2019s going through on a regular basis and by regularly offering his support to those who are in the throws of mental health challenges.\\n\\n\\n\\nPost by post, conversation by conversation, Chris is doing his part of reduce the stigma of depression, anxiety, and even failure.'