Career roadmaps for individuals who face barriers to long-term success - Tinai Colawai, knext Career Design

Published: Jan. 11, 2022, 10 a.m.


Tinai Colawai is the Founder & Director of knext Career Design \\u2013 a social impact company with a mission to enable people of colour achieve long-term career success. Before launching her business in early 2021, she spent over 15 years working across the Pacific, Asia and Australia in HR leadership, strategic and specialist roles.

In the first episode of 2022, Tinai talks about the common barriers culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) individuals and people of colour (POC) face when working in Australia, the importance of diversity and inclusion in positions of influence, and the outcomes she hopes to see in the future.

What Can We Do is produced by Samuham Media, and hosted by Prema Menon.

This podcast is also available on major podcast platforms.
