Finding your Purpose with Nani Bernal of InPowerTribe

Published: Dec. 17, 2019, 6 p.m.

Was there a moment in your childhood that turned everything upside down? Did you feel like you had no purpose in life? Sometimes you are just headed down the wrong path and you have to hit rock bottom before you can see the way out. I had an old classmate on the show this week, Nani Bernal. Like me, divorce and family issues changed her life and sent her spiralling downwards. The only doors that opened up for her were jail cell doors. She lived up to everybody’s titles – drug dealer, delinquent, drop out. But then after getting in a bad accident and spending 72 hours in a jail cell away from her little girl – she finally asked herself – is this what I am made of? It broke her, but it also made her. She realized that she had the power to break free. Nani shares her incredible life story and the moment everything changed. How she fell in love with sales and found her significance. She began dominating in her job and transformed the business and then set up her own successful moving company. It wasn’t until she heard Steve Harvey at the (10x Growth Conference) that she realized she was living a purpose that wasn’t hers. She was taking on obstacles that weren’t hers. Now she’s found her purpose and her gift. She’s living a purpose-driven life and not a profit-driven one where she’s giving back with her InPower tribe. Find out about: How even with a record, no high school diploma or college degree – if you have you, and the right mindset you can be whoever you want to be How her first job taught her grit and the will to succeed Walking away from a $25k a month gig because she was screwed over Starting her own successful moving company Suffering from burnout and realizing she was living a purpose that wasn’t hers How she made it her mission to help people grow as leaders with the InPower Accountability Group If want you to check out Nani at her (InPower Tribe) website. You can also tune in to her (Power Talk Podcast) or link in with her on (Instagram) and (Facebook). Please remember to subscribe to the podcast to make sure that you never miss an episode and don’t forget to leave a review and/or rating. It’ll help others (like you!) find the show and discover what they’re made of too. The What Are You Made Of podcast is sponsored by (Nations Lending), a mortgage company dedicated to helping families achieve their dream of homeownership. For more information and to explore other episodes (click here.)