Episode 74: Friends of the Show - Luke Hector - The Broken Meeple

Published: June 15, 2017, noon

Richard is joined by Luke Hector, creator of The Broken Meeple Blog and Podcast. 

They discuss how Luke got into the hobby, and then take a step into chatting about Kickstarters, Reviewing Games, Annoying Gamer Traits, Scottish National Drinks and Other Shelving units that are available. 

Luke was a great guest to have on, and he'll definitely be back on again. 

If you like what you hear then please check out all the amazing content he puts out there on the show links below. 

Links of Note 

http://brokenmeeple.blogspot.co.uk/  - The Blog

https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepodcast/24374/broken-meeple BGG Entry

https://www.patreon.com/TheBrokenMeeple Patreon

http://www.dicetower.com/game-podcast/broken-meeple Dicetower Entry

https://www.facebook.com/thebrokenmeeple/ Facebook

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pQeVg_PGtI YouTube

https://twitter.com/TheBrokenMeeple Twitter


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Music is owned entirely by We're Not Wizards and thanks to DouglasVBEmail us magic@werenotwizards.com  Remember, we are many things but We're Not Wizards