Episode 406: WNW Presents - A Titan's Rise - Episode 2 (Sample Version) - Shades of Vengeance Audio Play.

Published: Sept. 10, 2020, noon


WNW Presents - A Titan's Rise - Episode 2 (Sample Version) - Shades of Vengeance



A Titan's Rise - Episode 2 (Sample Version)

Ed from Shades of Vengeance may not have the time to hop on with us this time, but our repeat offender is back with something new! This time, he's got a full cast audio drama that follows the growth of a character from boyhood into manhood. In the dystopian Sci-Fi universe of Era: The Consortium, becoming who you need to be is harder than it sounds - the corporations always want to manipulate you...


Writer/Director: Ed Jowett

Cast: Ed Jowett, Leo Cosh, Hulda Elira, Kerry Hutchinson, Zulian Joubert, Heike Priwitzer

Audio Editing & Composition: Zulian Joubert


Links of Vengeance





