Role of friends and families in the growth of local Enterprises in Africa.

Published: Oct. 22, 2020, 9:22 p.m.

b'Friends and families play important role in the development of Entrepreneurship drive in Africa. Many will give both financial, gift, assistance, grants, emotional, most essentially patronage to local businesses. The existence and continued inflow of those human capital resources, in turn ensure they are generational, thus opening access for goods and services to the local communities. This in turn remarkably provide significant communal wealth generation and economic sustainable development for those local businesses Communities. WeradionLineStudio enjoining others to invite you to keep patronage strong for those Village Enterprises as they remain the tremendous power life line for families and tourist to those African Communities. Give us your support always, sponsor a talk show, donate or even advertise on our show, such that we can continue to work for the Development of Africa Entrepreneurship Drive. Call us +2348050401906. Together we can win.'