Starting In Business

Published: Aug. 22, 2023, 11 p.m.



    In this episode of Wealth Made Simple, we discuss the process of starting a property business or any business in general. The focus is on beginner-friendly strategies, steps to take when venturing into entrepreneurship, and the potential rewards and the ability to pursue one\'s passion in the long run.




    Decide to start: Many people have good business ideas but never take action. The first step is to make the decision to start and take action towards your goals.


    Define your goals and strategy: Before diving into a business, clarify your objectives and what you want to achieve. Choose a business or property strategy that aligns with your interests and passion.


    Conduct thorough research: Understand the market you are entering and gather information about competitors, industry trends, and potential risks. This will help you make informed decisions and develop a deeper understanding of your chosen field.


    Create a comprehensive business plan: Develop a detailed plan that outlines your objectives, financial projections, marketing strategies, operational processes, and a roadmap for the future. Having a well-defined plan will guide your actions and make it easier to track progress.




    "A lot of the time we talk about these big property or big business ideas and they\'re not necessarily beginner friendly."


    "Getting into business and starting a business, being an entrepreneur is a lot of work."


    "Decide you want to start. Just decide you want to start."


    "It\'s got to be something you love. It\'s got to be something you\'re going to enjoy doing because you\'re going to be at this a long time."


    "Everything you are planning on doing, everywhere you want to go, every goal you want to achieve, I can almost guarantee that somebody will have done it before."






    Shaz Nawaz is a serial entrepreneur; he owns five thriving businesses in diverse sectors.


    Shaz is committed to helping business owners build successful businesses. Having conducted over 3,000 business growth consultations he has helped his clients generate millions in additional profits. His purpose is to inspire business owners to build businesses that are hugely profitable and sustainable.


    He is a huge advocate of having multiple streams of income. He has written a number of business books and regularly contributes articles to mainstream media outlets.

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media
