
Published: May 1, 2020, 12:15 a.m.


Hello And Welcome Back To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!

There are people in this world who see things coming. We realise who these people are as history unfolds. Most recently, with climate change and, of course, COVID-19.

These people are always ignored. They\'re laughed at, disregarded, and alienated.

Governments, businesses and societies who don\'t like what these people see, do everything to shut them up.

And then... it\'s too late, and panic ensues.

As a species, we don\'t seem to learn!

Anyway... here\'s a story about exactly that.

So, take a moment to do "Nothin\'", get yourself a mug of something delicious, and join me...

When the story is done, feel free to roam about and enjoy more waffle-free storytelling.




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