Harry V Mother

Published: May 29, 2020, 12:15 a.m.


Hello And Welcome Back To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!

It\'s been another strange week of people working out what do to with COVID-19.

This week\'s Waffle-Free Story was inspired by news reports where politicians kept talking about "when to open" again.

Then I read an article by Jonathan V. Last called We Cannot Open America.

The line from that article that stuck in my mind was this: "...Because the world has changed and the source of this change is not a government order. It\\u2019s a virus."

And that\'s it exactly...

The virus won\'t go away just because governments say it\'s OK to go outside and play again.

Anyway... that\'s what kicked off this week\'s story.

So, stay safe, look after each other, and join me for today\'s tale.

When you\'re done, you\'re welcome to visit https://tinakonstant.com/ and enjoy more waffle-free storytelling.




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