GUEST: Chat with Genealogist, Natalie Pithers

Published: June 5, 2021, 7 a.m.


Welcome To Waffle-Free FAMILY Stories!

This is the second in a series of glorious conversations with people passionate about history, genetics, family history, memoirs, autobiographies and more.

In this chat with Natalie Pithers (professional genealogist and owner of Genealogy Stories), we talk about:

  • What a professional genealogist can do that Ancestry can\'t
  • Her 90-year-old grandmother\'s response to an unexpected DNA result
  • Why knowing the context in which people lived is important and can help explain bad (and even criminal) behaviour
  • How your daily routine can trigger ideas on how to research and write your family story
  • Why the census is so important
  • And more!

Here\'s a bit about Natalie in her own words:

"I\\u2019m a self-confessed history geek and a Mum of 3. Nowadays my little descendants keep me just as busy as my ancestors. But luckily I live in the countryside, so the kids get to run around outdoors (whilst I get to explore historic villages). Home is beautiful Somerset and I\\u2019m right on the border of Dorset \\u2013 so I have two gorgeous counties at my disposal. Opposite is a pic of my favourite \\u201cthinking spot\\u201d.

I started tracing my family tree when I was 18, whilst I was also studying for a degree in English Lit. I told you I loved stories, right!? I spent long nights devouring many classic novels. Stories by social commentators (like Charles Dickens) fuelled my interest in discovering the lives of my ancestors \\u2013 and helped me to understand their world.

After Uni I had a career in Project Management. I really enjoyed it, especially the problem-solving and organising aspects of my roles. I\\u2019m not ashamed to say I love a good spreadsheet.

Genealogy Stories allows me to combine my passion for history with the pleasure I take from analysing and structuring data."

Here are some links where you can find out more about Natalie. MOST IMPORTANT... sign up to her mailing list. She delivers such amazing stuff!!

With all that said...

Put the kettle on, fill your mug with something delicious, put your feet up for a while, and join us.

When the chat is over, feel free to meander around for more waffle-free tales and other stuff and nonsense.

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