Difficult Questions

Published: June 12, 2020, 12:15 a.m.


Hello And Welcome Back To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!

This week\'s story has a strange beginning...

Last weekend I attended a storytelling workshop run by Dorian Haarhoff where thirteen people got together on Zoom to create stories out of memories.

"Difficult Questions" was triggered by the prompt: Think of a childhood memory that shaped you... stands out... proved a turning point in life.

It didn\'t have to be a big event - because the things that change our lives are often quite small.

In this case, it was a question from a kid at school. I was around 7, I think, and a fellow 7-year-old asked me what my star sign was.

Not only did I not know what my star sign was, but I also didn\'t know WHAT a star sign was!! I felt tiny, ignorant and stupid.

I didn\'t take me long to find out all I could about star signs, but that didn\'t stop the awkward feeling every time I was asked a question I didn\'t know the answer to, particularly when it was assumed everyone should know!

And that\'s how this story came about.

So, put your feet up... pick up a mug of something delicious... and join me for this week\'s tale.

When you\'re done, you\'re welcome to visit https://tinakonstant.com/ and enjoy more waffle-free storytelling.




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