Ep. 76 | Reticles 2: How do You Actually Use a Christmas Tree Reticle?

Published: May 20, 2019, 11 a.m.

b"Reuben and Justin Lipska, new guest to the show and also new employee here at Vortex in our shooting range, join Mark and Jimmy to take a deeper dive specifically into the technical reticles (You know - The cool looking ones) we commonly see in long range riflescopes. More specifically, three of the reticles we focus on in this episode are the EBR-7C reticle and the Horus H59 and Tremor3 reticles. How can you use these reticles to their maximum capability, Is one better than the other for certain situations, what situations would one find themselves even using these seemingly \\u201cBusy\\u201d reticles, and much more. What\\u2019s your favorite reticle for long range shooting? We\\u2019d love to hear it!\\n\\nAs always - let us know if there are any topics you'd like covered on the Vortex Nation podcast by asking us on any one of our social media platforms and using #VortexNationPodcast."