Ep. 149 | Social Media Giants and Guns An Inside Look

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 11 a.m.

b"Jimmy, Mark and Erik sit down with Chuck Rossi, avid firearms enthusiast and former Facebook employee where he worked as an engineer behind the scenes and the \\u201csubject matter expert\\u201d on all things gun related in the company. There seems to be a million and one theories as to why social giants like this have tended to be so stringent upon the gun and hunting industry. Listening to Chuck, some of the reasons likely won\\u2019t shock you, but others may be a bit more surprising in terms of the fact that there are many misunderstandings and fundamental lack of education within organizations and groups of individuals. We learn a bit more about \\u201csafety regulated goods\\u201d on platforms like Facebook and the blocking of buy/sell/trade of firearms and related parts on their site. Certainly a sore subject for many of us in this industry, but luckily Chuck throws out some really great insight into how gun pages on these platforms can promote themselves responsibly, within the rules, and set themselves up to get the best organic reach possible \\u2013 even if they can\\u2019t run ads or directly sell on their page. So, if you like guns and hunting and find yourself on social media frequently, whether it\\u2019s for business and leisure, you should definitely tune in to this one! \\n\\nAs always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you'd like covered on the Vortex Nation podcast by asking us on Instagram @vortexnationpodcast"