Ep. 132 | Survival Rifles

Published: July 6, 2020, 11 a.m.

b"It\\u2019s about time we talk about survival rifles. What\\u2019s the deal with these things? They come in all shapes, sizes and even calibers, but yet never really seem to catch fire. In this episode, Ryan Muckenhirn joins Jimmy and Mark to discuss a bit of the history of survival rifles, many of the different kinds, what cartridge is the best for survival situations, what optic works best on a survival rifle, what the heck are we even preparing to survive in the first place, and much more! \\n\\nAs always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you'd like covered on the Vortex Nation podcast by asking us on Instagram @vortexnationpodcast"