Ep. 127 | Why am I missing? Troubleshooting Your Misses

Published: June 8, 2020, 11 a.m.

b"I\\u2019ve you\\u2019ve been shooting for really any amount of time, chances are you\\u2019ve found yourself in the incredibly frustrating situation where you just can\\u2019t seem to hit a target no matter what you do. We\\u2019ve certainly been there, too! It really doesn\\u2019t matter whether it\\u2019s at 1,000+ yards or 100 yards, there are so many variables that go into every single shot, it can happen on any rifle or at any distance. Scott Parks and Reuben Aleckson join Jimmy and Mark to discuss, from some pro shooter\\u2019s perspectives, all the many reasons you may be having those frustrating misses. Spoiler alert \\u2013 a great deal of it has nothing to do with the equipment, and everything to do with the shooter. Don\\u2019t worry, though \\u2013 if this is your case, it doesn\\u2019t make you a bad shooter \\u2013 it happens to all of us. Just learn from those situations for the future!\\n\\nAs always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you'd like covered on the Vortex Nation podcast by asking us on Instagram @vortexnationpodcast"