Organizations dealing with real issues related to marginalized employees and customers

Published: Sept. 9, 2020, 9 p.m.

Marginalization is frightening.  You feel like you have no power.  You feel like justice is not something you are likely to receive.  It feels like people think you are less.  The consequence?  Marginalization robs you of your voice and your sense that you matter.  From my perspective, marginalization is a key driver of the protests across the globe since the murder of George Floyd.  This pivotal event caused a reawakening among all people that racism, bias, and segregation are alive and well in modern society, and that various categories of people continue to be marginalized even in 2020.  Today there is a call to change - mostly by protestors in the streets - but that call can only be answered by organizations. This episode of Voices Worth Listening To shares a compelling story of marginalization that demonstrates how individuals within organizations, no matter their seniority, can recognize marginalization and work to remedy its nefarious consequences.