Interview with Ed Feulner

Published: March 7, 2024, 6:15 a.m.

An Interview with Dr. Ed Fuelner, a Conservative Institution Builder

What does it mean to be a conservative? That question has long been debated, but the foundational principles of conservativism have been more sharply challenged in recent years. Focal points of discussion have centered on the role of government and America\u2019s approach to global conflict.

Few have as much insight into the development and growth of conservatism and its current state than our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. Dr. Ed Feulner, a renowned leader and institution-builder, shares his own path towards the ideals of freedom, describes what it took to build a movement, and offers his thoughts on the principles upon which conservatives can coalesce.\xa0

Dr. Ed Feulner co-founded and built Heritage in the late 1970s from a small policy shop into an American powerhouse of conservative ideas.

Feulner has authored nine books, played a prominent role in dozens of organizations, and speaks frequently both in the United States and abroad.

Topics discussed on this episode:

  • The books that influenced his ideological perspective and shaped his life
  • Feulner\u2019s role in building institutions of the modern conservative movement
  • How he transformed ideas into policy that have impacted America
  • What it means to be a conservative
  • Whether conservatives can coalesce around the restoration of civil society
  • America\u2019s role in the world and the state of our country
  • Are we in a new Cold War?
  • The role of free markets and free enterprise in today\u2019s conservatism
  • How he continues to remain a happy warrior

Over the years, he has consistently been listed as one of the 100 most influential conservatives in America and his service has been recognized with numerous accolades and honors, including the 2012 Bradley Prize.\xa0